+ 1 373 38 87
NOTE: If you are trying to access any of our online training programs you can quickly retrieve your password by going to your membership login page and clicking "Forgot Password"...
Individual Users: https://training.grantcardone.com/login
Please ensure you are using the same email address that you used when purchasing the program.
If that doesn't do it, we're always here to help!
NOTE: If you have ordered multiple programs from us, the training portal will not send a login email on your second purchase. You can easily retrieve your password by clicking "forgot password" on the login page...
If this is your first purchase and you've checked the email that you used to purchase, please submit a request below and we'll help ASAP!
NOTE: If you've used our 3rd party partner (Denefits) to fund your program, you will likely want to contact them directly for assistance.
Phone: 1-888-502-2206
Email: [email protected]
Chat: https://www.denefits.com/contact-us
Login or Password Reset: https://customer.denefits.com/login
Funding FAQ: https://www.denefits.com/faq/?segment=customer
iOS App Download: https://apps.apple.com/mt/app/denefits-customer/id1386620496
Android App Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bhct.denefits.patient
If there is anything we can do to help, let us know below!
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